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Pascagoula-Gautier School District

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Three PGSD educators receive Ingalls grants

PASCAGOULA, Miss. — Three PGSD educators received grants from HII's Ingalls Shipbuilding to help foster innovation in our school district! Peggy Pylate, Jami Sheets and Angela Ring went back to schools with rather large checks to help expand learning opportunities.
Pylate's grant "will be used to purchase Texas Instrument multi-view calculators for students to work on a 'Tiny House Project' using many geometry skills to create a mini 3D home model" at Gautier Middle School!
Ring's grant will get her students at the College and Career Technical Institute in 'Top Gear' while "learning about torque, speed optimization, gears, design, construction, communication and problem solving." They're planning to build a drive train and more.
Sheets' grant will benefit the Panther News Network at Pascagoula High School. They "will upgrade equipment and expose the students to career fields in STEM through the student-run news station."
Thank you to Ingalls for selecting our wonderful educators and funding projects that will make an impact on so many students for years to come!